Reulet Gun Works, LLC
"Where gun repair, refinishing and honesty is at its finest"
Precision Rifles and Accurizing

Bolt Action Rifle Accurizing & Semi-Custom Rifles

Custom Rifles

Labor Prices for Remington Models 7 & 700
(Pricing may vary for other makes and models)

Action Truing or “Blueprinting” (receiver threads, receiver lugs, receiver face, bolt lugs and bolt face will be trued to the boltway) This service is available for Remington 700 and Model 7 actions.....$275

Threading Bolt Handle for a Custom Knob.....Starting at $95

Barrel Installation (fit barrel to action, chambering, cutting and crowning).....Starting at $350

Thread Muzzle for Suppressor or other muzzle device.....Starting at $120

Muzzle Brake Installation (brake is contoured to barrel).....Starting at $245

Fitting Barreled Action to stock.....Starting at $80

Fitting Bottom Metal to stock.....Starting at $80

Epoxy or “Glass Bedding” Action.....Starting at $200

Pillar Bedding.....Starting at $300

Trigger Installation and/or Adjustment.....S
tarting at $80 + trigger

Cerakote of Barreled Action and Bottom Metal (1 color)....Starting at $225

Barrel Break-In (Krieger Method).....$225 + Cost of Ammo and Supplies

Barrel and Bolt Fluting.....price upon request

*Prices subject to change without notice
*Shop supply fees are added to some accurizing services
*Lead times can vary from weeks to months depending on components being used

Bolt Action Rifle Accurizing & Semi-Custom Rifles
Custom Rifles
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